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December 2019

@ArchiToolkit If they could all donate... Become Patreons !

November 2019

Le risque de pauvreté touche désormais un Belge sur six | L'Echo https://t.co/sDsr0g0jWE
Can you have a tactical solution for a strategic goal ?
@mayama38 Parcequ' il fallait marquer le coup. Et mettre les points sur les i.
@ptitelaurette77 Elles ont toutes des lunettes...
RT @enricomolinari: #robots are officially better at reading comprehension than humans TY @nowthisnews via @enricomolinari #ML #DL #quantumcomputing #digital #fintech @ChickTech @devdevcharlie @wfcrittenden2 @farbodsaraf @fortivus @haydentiff @AISOMA_AG @data_nerd @StressFreeKids @marielysngallo https://t.co/iUTyt97MI0
"Thank you" @godaddy for removing all my @bluehost DNS entries. Had to repair it all this morning....
RT @basvg: A lot of people in the room to listen to the updates in ArchiMate 3.1. Most important change - in my opinion - is the addition of a value stream concept. Heard a lot of talk about starting the work for ArchiMate 4. Exciting times. #ogams #archimate #coll?https://t.co/9itAk72VnV
Testing #Hoplr in my neighborhood. Let's use European social networks !

October 2019

RT @ph7prod: Quand tu es dans les rayons de Castorama avec ton bordel dans les mains https://t.co/dmmxXRfbjV

This nice article on ROAM explains the acronym to be used to manage a risk:.


Resolved The risk can be completely or partially avoided. If partial resolution, there is a residual risk
Owned The risk is not fully resolved/accepted/mitigated. Someone is assigned to work on it.
Accepted We accept to take the (residual) risk.
Mitigated Mitigation is what we will do if the risk happens in order to reduce the impact
"Après le plaisir d'être apprécié par les gens intelligents, il n'y en a pas de plus grand que celui de n'être pas compris par les brouillons qui ne savent exprimer qu'en charabia ce qui leur tient lieu de pensée."
RT @IncS2e: New article on how #BusinessArchitecture is a keystone and starting point for #DigitalReadiness by @DigitalEraNow. #BusArch #BizArch #DigitalTransformation #DigitalEconomy #StrategyExecution #S2E https://t.co/ifGWnDxu6a https://t.co/3Dp70KKjpu https://t.co/I9B0PzZNgS

|| >> November 2019 >>